Friday, October 19, 2012


(Pork Carnitas Tacos & Mexican Rice...and yes, they're leftovers)
I remember being a teenager the first time I heard of someone who refused to eat leftovers.  I couldn't believe they were serious.  Why would someone have an aversion to leftovers?  That seems crazy to me.  I love leftovers!  In high school I remember my brother and I racing our cousin to his house for lunch, all for the love of leftovers.  (sadly, I was always the last one to get to the house)  Leftovers often feed my husband and I for lunch.  The best is when I've done a lot of cooking and we have leftovers piling up in the fridge.  Then I can declare Leftover Night!  Everyone chooses what they want and serve themselves.  Easy peasy AND it saves me money.  Just make sure you eat them within 3-4 days. If you don't think you would eat them that quickly, you can freeze them.  (we've never had to freeze them - not with teenage boys in the house)  Another tip:
PRICKIG Microwave lid IKEA With several small holes to release steam. Fits most microwave ovens, including smaller models.
(I call it a microwave cover)
This is the one I picked up at IKEA.  It not only keeps your microwave clean, but more importantly, it keeps your food moist when reheating.  It really makes a huge difference and my kids are trained know to always use this when reheating anything.  Hopefully, you already have a love of leftovers.  If not, give it a try.  One final word:  You can't have leftovers without cooking meals in the first place, so get cooking!

1 comment:

  1. I'm going to need to get one of these microwave lids/covers!
